sudo apt-get install build-essentials
sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev
After these were installed, I ran the make command and everything worked perfectly.
The next thing that I decided to build was the program called ettercap. Ettercap is a program that is "A multipurpose sniffer/content filter for man in the middle attacks" as the man page for it states. I know what you may be thinking but dont worry, I am using this program in a completely non-threatening way :). This program did prove to be quite a bit more stubborn to install. I was missing several packages. I started by getting the libpcap, libnet, libpthread and zlib packages by using the built in synaptic package manager in ubuntu. After that I could run the configure but it still needed to have the packages GTK+, ATK, and Pango to be able to run the GUI version. I was able to get the ATK and Pango packages from the package manager as well but when I tried to find the GTK+ package there was so many to choose from that I didn't know which one to get. A quick google search later and I found that I needed to run "sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev" to get the package. I ran the configure command again, waited, ran make, waited, ran sudo make install, then it was all done.
I have added a picture of the finished product just to maybe make this blog a little more appealing.
Adam Out!
I have added a picture of the finished product just to maybe make this blog a little more appealing.
Adam Out!

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